$86,211.54 USD Raised
$300,000.00 Goal
103 Donor(s)
Support Food For The Poor Jamaica: Urgent Relief Needed After Hurricane Beryl
Hurricane Beryl has struck our beautiful island with a force that has left many communities devastated. Homes have been destroyed, families displaced, and countless lives turned upside down. In this time of crisis, Food For The Poor Jamaica is on the front lines, providing essential relief and support to those who have lost everything. But we need your help to reach everyone in need.
Jamaica was the first country assisted by Food For The Poor (FFTP), which began helping the island nation in 1982. In 1983, FFP Jamaica was established and is the largest charity organization in Jamaica. The office and warehouse complex is located in Spanish Town, at the intersection of five highways, which lead to all parts of the island. FFTP partners with more than 1,300 churches and institutions for the distribution of food, medicine, educational supplies and other needed items. The charity has completed hundreds of projects in Jamaica with a focus on education, medical, housing and agriculture.
To link the
church of the First World with the church of the Third World in a manner that helps
both the mentally poor and poor in spirit.
The materially poor are served by local churches, clergy and lay leaders who have
been empowered and supplied with goods by Food For The Poor.
The poor in spirit are renewed by their relationship with and service to the poor
through our direct ministry of teaching, encouragement and prayer.
Ultimately, we seek to bring both benefactors and recipients to a closer union with
our Lord.
Construction: Building Construction, Building Renovation, Sanitization/Hand Wash Stations, Water Harvesting, etc.
Health Care: equipment assistance/life saving devices for individuals or hospitals.
Special/Unique: scholarships towards books & tuition, income generating projects.
Agriculture: beekeeping, crop production, agro-processing, animal husbandry, etc.
Other unique & innovative projects are also welcomed.
To be eligible for consideration, applicants must be part of a registered community or development group, non-profit organization, school or entity serving the poor.
Applicants MUST submit a letter to Food For The Poor requesting assistance for unique/special project. This should give a summary of the project including need, objectives, and outcomes.
Once that letter is reviewed and approved, an application form will be sent to the applicant, which MUST be completed and resent with all the required documents.
The application will then go through an assessment process BUT please note that the project process is lengthy so we cannot provide a timeline or any guarantee of approval as our support is largely dependent on donor funding.
For more information:
Tel: +1 (876) 984-5005 or +1 (876) 618-0141
Email: customerservice@foodforthepoorja.org
Requirements for a Food For The Poor House provides the basic information that is needed to complete an application.
The Letter to Applicant is used alongside the Housing requirement as it informs the applicant about the housing processes of Food for the Poor.
The Application Form - These forms are used to document information about the applicant and verify the documents received using the check list at the back. (please disregard letter from Member of Parliament (MP))
Guidelines for Detail of Land History - In cases where the bonafide/legitimate land owner is deceased the documents below were created to assist the applicant in providing the necessary details.
At Food For The Poor, we believe that every child is a precious gift from God, especially vulnerable children who long to know that they are not forgotten. They need angels here on earth to watch over them and ensure their needs are met.
$559.10 Raised
$100,000.00 Goal
Over the years, Food For The Poor's Band Camp has successfully trained over 700 inner-city youths, between ages six (6) to sixteen (16) years. They are taught to play a variety of musical instruments including, the saxophone, flute, trumpet, drums.
$0.00 Raised
$100,000.00 Goal
Through the Free Wheelchair Mission (FWM), we have distributed over 2500 wheelchairs since 2015 to persons from various backgrounds and age groups. Wheelchairs are also distributed through other outreach programmes. Over the years, donations of...
$271.75 Raised
$100,000.00 Goal
In 2021, FFTP donors constructed 285 homes. Since inception, the charity has built 36,424 homes island-wide.
$120.00 Raised
$100,000.00 Goal
FFTP's agricultural development program has been essential in safeguarding food security and in helping small farmers...
$0.00 Raised
$100,000.00 Goal
Fishing FFTP established its first fishing village in Jamaica 22 years ago, providing local fishermen with boats and engines.
$0.00 Raised
$100,000.00 Goal
We help with disaster relief islandwide, as we work closely with ODPEM to provide those with significant losses a means to get back on thier feet.
$885.97 Raised
$100,000.00 Goal
The children are our future and it is crucial that we give our kids the best education possible, we help and facilitate that.
$345.00 Raised
$100,000.00 Goal
We help prisons with relief of prisoners, ensuring they have an available role to take so they are not left destitute.
$0.00 Raised
$100,000.00 Goal
Ms. Ellis, and her team is always elated whenever they are told that donations are on the way from Food For The Poor to the Spanish Town Hospital. The items that were delivered to the hospital in April were necessary and highly requested at the time of arrival. “The syringes and needles are used everywhere except the administrative office,” We were low on needles and syringes, so this donation came in time and at the right time. The Ministry of Health and Wellness through the National Health Fund distributes these items stop the hospitals, however for that period of March-April, the National Health Fund run short on supply, almost depletion.”
Parish Administrator of the Spanish Town Hospital
"Thanks to this sanitation renovation project, the children now have better access to more bathroom stalls and so conflicts are far less, which is something we are grateful for. This donation has helped tremendously even as it relates to the odors in the bathroom. The boys can use the urinals instead of the trough, which was there before. This means we have less tinkles and splashes... and it's way easier to keep clean. Of all the components of the project, the best parts for me would be the new toilets that were installed and the tiling that was done. A big thank you and appreciation for all the people who have considered Clarks Town Primary because the area that we are in, sometimes we are left behind. The children are so grateful. You are touching many lives, far more than you can ever imagine. The students see it and they appreciate it...just continue doing what you are doing because it is making a big difference and a great impact.”
Clark’s Town Primary School Sanitation Project - Acting Principal
“Thanks a million, wow, you don’t know how much the people in the community are so appreciative of the care package and the groceries. Persons are reaching out saying, ‘Pastor, you don’t know what you have done for us.’ They are grateful and I am happy. Persons were anticipating their package and shared that it was so needed in this time and season. It is a true blessing. Thank you so much Food For The Poor! We will continue to pray for the organization and its donors.”
“I was disappointed when I realized that I would have to spend time in prison, especially when thinking about my daughter. This was totally unexpected. The first thing I want to do after I leave here is to go visit her. I cannot explain the feeling...it is like a big burden fell off my shoulders when I heard that Food For The Poor was going to pay my fine...it was a big relief. I was here (in prison) for a couple of days and many nights I cried because I could not see my daughter and I kept thinking that I may not come out alive. Thanks to Food For The Poor again for making this possible, for giving me a second chance. My Christmas wish is to see my daughter...that’s the biggest wish and I thank Food For The Poor for making that a reality.”
“This Rainwater Harvesting Project has been God-sent. We have been able to manage crop production much better even during the dry season this year. Things have really improved for us . Rainwater being slightly acidic is better for the plants than the tap water which is slightly alkaline. The plants have responded to getting rainwater and that too has shown the increase in the production the crops were ready a little quicker faster, shorter time for the crops to mature and they were more robust especially when we just transplanted. They responded very well to getting the rainwater during the irrigation sessions when the students were assigned. That has been wonderful for us. God is so good”
Head of Agriculture Department at Charlemont High School
The house top gone, everything gone… we were left empty after the hurricane but thanks to all the donors and Food For The Poor for coming to our rescue and for helping to fix my roof.
Hurricane Beryl was a very dangerous storm. I am so glad it didn’t take anybody’s life but it is the first I was witnessing this thing called a hurricane. It tore off all of my roof and wet up everything in my house, I had to burn some of the things and put some on the outside to dry because not all of them can go back in the house. I had to take my 84-year-old mother out of the house and put her in another house during the hurricane because of the winds and rain. I feel very very very glad to see the Food For The Poor team coming in to do the repairs because I don’t have any money to do all these things…. It is very hard for us…thanks for all the contributions and all the donors and everybody for the help.
Before the storm, we went to our neighbors' house across the road and when we came back after the storm, we saw that the roof was gone, and trees were on the ground…then sometime after, Food For The Poor visited the community, with repair materials and workers to help fix our roof, we are very thankful for the donors, we are really really grateful for the help given to us.
The Lord is marvelous, He is our father. Each thing we need, we ask Him. He is an on-time God. He is there, He will always be there. I appreciate all the men and women who take the time out to actually obey what God has asked them to do in terms of helping those of us in need. Each and every time I see Food for the Poor out there, I ask the Lord for more donations and that he would remove any weariness from the staff, I ask the Lord for coverage.
The Hurricane came at a fast speed, seeing the destruction it left behind was so devastating because there are shut-in persons who lost their roofs and lost everything and were unable to move and so it was stressful for most of them. An old man, for example, is way in the bush and his house caved in on him…the situation was so bad, going around and assisting with Food For The Poor, it breaks my heart to see some of the devastation. I am grateful for the intervention from Food For The Poor and their donors, it has helped a lot of people, from the food, the tarpaulins, the hygiene buckets, and water, I know a lot of people are grateful for the bottled water to drink, the food and sanitation products, are also very needed so I am grateful for all the persons who contributed …I hope and trust that God will continue to open doors and provide funding so that they can always be there for people in need…I wish there was more.
Portland Cottage, Clarendon
We were affected by the flooding mostly, my chicken coop and goat pen were damaged, and everything was flat outside but the house was still standing. I am grateful for the donations, the relief items, and the food, because a lot of us need help so I am very glad.
I can say I am really grateful. I don’t even think the people in the community are as grateful as I am because after Hurricane Beryl, people were totally devastated, and for this help that they are getting from Food For The Poor donors, it’s a big plus, and I am really thankful for all the endeavors taking place in the communities that were affected.
Chairperson and Shelter Manager at Portland Cottage Primary, Clarendon
When we heard that the hurricane was coming, we packed up everything and went to the shelter. Thanks to everyone very much for taking some things to us here at the shelter because some of us can't even go back home for now…I am very thankful, God has sent you here to help us, without you we couldn’t make it.
It was a devastating and bad experience, water was coming from the east, the west, all about, we just had to huddle together as a family, the roof was shaking…it is only God that kept us. My husband was not able to move around freely so I had to be helping him in the storm. I still get fearful because once the sky looks cloudy, I start to fret about my belonging getting wet again. I feel good to see all the donors and Food For The Poor coming to help…this shows me that I have a God who cares, and everything God does is well done.
It was very rough during the hurricane, water come in the house, zinc blew off the roof, everything wet up... the condition was bad. Thanks to everyone for coming all this way to help us.
Thank you so much Food For The Poor because when we reflect on how Beryl affected persons in this area, fruit trees are gone, persons have lost a lot of belongings and I just want to say that I am very grateful for the intervention and support with needed relief items.
Justice of the Peace, Lionel Town, Clarendon
Thanks to everyone for this assistance, it means a lot to me because I have been in the shelter since the Monday before Hurricane Beryl came, and even after the storm, I have to be here because my house was badly damaged, any help is appreciated.
We got a very bad beating by this hurricane here in the Breadbasket parish of Jamaica. My roof blew off and a lot of people in the community lost their roof. All I can say is that Food For The Poor and their donors are the first set of persons I see come in to help people in this area with food and tarpaulin so we have to big them up and give thanks for them. They show us that they are here for us and that they are here to serve us. You are like angels from God.
Resident, St. Elizabeth
Thanks to Food For The Poor and all the donors for the assistance…it really means a lot to me because after the storm, many of us are here at the shelter were left stranded, and we have nothing. My roof blow off, doors and windows are totally gone. But now we get some assistance, and we are very thankful, God bless everyone.
Hurricane Beryl washed us out totally, housetop blew off, chickens died… I feel so frustrated with everything, but I am still giving God thanks because no one lost their life and that is the most important thing. I really welcome the help from the donors and I appreciate everything and for helping us through this rough time, over the years you continue to help us and I am so grateful.
The storm was very bad for us… part of the house actually came off so I am grateful for the help because I really need it. I am so glad, and grateful, thanks very much for what you are doing.
The hurricane passed and I am alright, my family is alright, and we are comfortable and were comfortable even during the storm thanks to this house that was provided by Food For The Poor, I did not even realize that there was a hurricane…big up Food For The Poor!
St. Catherine
The house I was in first, Oh my God, if I was in it during Hurricane Beryl, I would be soaked right now, everything would be wet, the mattress, the bed…because the roof actually blew off and everything is on the ground so I just want to say thanks very much to the donors for gifting me a house from Food For The Poor in the first place, which protected us during the hurricane.