Wheelchair Programme


$162.78 USD Raised

$100,000.00 Goal

5 Donor(s)

Through the Free Wheelchair Mission (FWM), we have distributed over 2500 wheelchairs since 2015 to persons from various backgrounds and age groups. Wheelchairs are also distributed through other outreach programmes. Over the years, donations of wheelchairs, have made a significant difference in the lives of beneficiaries and their families.

We have also partnered with a number of agencies that cater to persons with disabilities and offered training in wheelchair assessments and fittings.

However, without our donors, such as Free Wheelchair Mission, this goal cannot be achieved. Their compassion and dedication is summed up in their mission… “to provide the transforming gift of mobility to people with disabilities…”

in wheelchair assessments and fittings.


However, without our donors, such as Free Wheelchair Mission, this goal cannot be achieved.  Their compassion and dedication is summed up in their mission… “to provide the transforming gift of mobility to people with disabilities…”

Recent Donations

  • $7000 JMD

    Tia Walters 2024-05-04 10:18:15

  • $7 USD

    Reynardo Russell 2024-04-28 01:36:13

  • $50 USD

    Lisa Kantor 2024-03-01 17:34:41

    Hope this little amount helps. Sent in memory of a lovely person who died recently and will be much

  • $9500 JMD

    Tia Walters 2023-12-26 09:48:50

  • $1 JMD

    Andrew Smikle 2023-04-24 17:45:50

    Wheelchair Donation by Database Technologies Ltd.

For Local Donations:

Account Number – 471043885 JMD $
National Commercial Bank Jamaica Limited
Branch : St Jago Shopping Centre/Spanish Town
Branch Code 00047 or NCB Direct Banking Unit

For Wire Transfers:


National Commercial Bank Jamaica Ltd
St Jago Shopping Centre, Spanish Town

For Further Credit to:
Food For The Poor Jamaica
Account Number: 47-1148350
Payment Details: FFP Jamaica Donation


National Commercial Bank Jamaica Ltd
St Jago Shopping Centre, Spanish Town

For Further Credit to:
Food For The Poor Jamaica
Account Number: 47-1043885
Payment Details: FFP Jamaica Donation