

$120.00 USD Raised

$100,000.00 Goal

2 Donor(s)

Homes have evolved from a single unit without sanitation facilities into two-bedroom family units with sanitation and water tanks.  As an addition, our donors have provided us with solar lighting, which we have been installing in homes and which will provide three lights for beneficiaries. In some cases, recipients receive furniture depending on availability. 


The homes are equipped with indoor sanitation, solar-powered lighting, a gas stove and furnishings. There is also a loft space for greater sleeping capacity. FFP has redesigned the houses to enhance the structural integrity and provide additional space with an improved layout.  Homes now have the added benefit of a kitchen sink and cupboards.


Food For The Poor also constructs basic schools across the island facilities ranging from 4, 6, 8 and 10 units.  They include classrooms, bathrooms, playground equipment, sick bay, fencing, kitchen and water harvesting.  With our support, a number of schools have received full certification from the Ministry of Education.



  • In 2021, we built, repaired or expanded seven (7) schools islandwide
  • In 2017, the charity made history in Jamaica by building 100 schools in five years thanks to the generous support of its donors in the United States, Canada and Jamaica.
  • Since the start of 2021, a total of 15 water harvesting projects for schools were initiated and executed to increase the school’s capacity to secure water.
  • A total of 312 schools have been assisted by projects that have built, repaired or expanded schools island-wide.
  • In 2021, FFP donors constructed 285 homes in Jamaica. Since inception, the charity has built 36,424 homes island-wide.

Recent Donations

  • $100 USD

    Anthony Sancetta 2024-05-03 13:03:53

  • $20 USD

    Olga Shaw 2024-03-09 14:43:25

    To go towards Jamaican housing

For Local Donations:

Account Number – 471043885 JMD $
National Commercial Bank Jamaica Limited
Branch : St Jago Shopping Centre/Spanish Town
Branch Code 00047 or NCB Direct Banking Unit

For Wire Transfers:


National Commercial Bank Jamaica Ltd
St Jago Shopping Centre, Spanish Town

For Further Credit to:
Food For The Poor Jamaica
Account Number: 47-1148350
Payment Details: FFP Jamaica Donation


National Commercial Bank Jamaica Ltd
St Jago Shopping Centre, Spanish Town

For Further Credit to:
Food For The Poor Jamaica
Account Number: 47-1043885
Payment Details: FFP Jamaica Donation